How to Dispose of a Mattress in NYC
When shopping for a mattress in NYC, make sure it complies with disposal regulations. Mattresses and box springs must be stored securely at the curb and put out during garbage collection days for collection.
Donate Your Mattress You can donate your old mattress to local collectives, non-profits and smaller organizations that accept used beds in good condition.
Curbside pickup
Many states and cities impose stringent guidelines when it comes to garbage disposal, with New York City being no exception. Its Department of Sanitation only accepts mattress and box spring sets sealed up properly - failing to adhere may incur a fine.
Curbside pickup can be scheduled by calling 311. You can plan a pick-up date as far in advance as four weeks; same-day appointments must be booked before midnight of the prior day; also note this service does not operate during holidays or snow removal operations.
If curbside pickup is beyond your budget, consider renting an eco-friendly dumpster from a waste removal company to dispose of your old mattress without worrying about potential environmental impacts. Or consider selling or giving away it to someone in the vicinity; New York is home to one of the highest concentrations of population so there may be someone interested in buying it!
Drop-off at a transfer station
If you live in NYC and need to dispose of a mattress, there are various disposal methods available to you. One option is scheduling curbside pickup with the Department of Sanitation New York (DSNY). Place it curbside before 4 pm the evening prior to collection date. Please be aware that non-bagged mattresses will not be accepted; failure to do so could incur a $100 fine.
Drop off your mattress at a local transfer station; many of these locations recycle mattresses by dismantling and reusing their materials in other projects. Some facilities can be found around NYC neighborhoods; to find more, search online.
Donating mattresses to local charities or shelters can also be an option for recycling mattress. Many homeless shelters and community organizations will accept donated mattresses; just be sure to contact them first before taking it there.
When disposing of a mattress, it's crucial that it's done in an eco-friendly way. Doing so will prevent illegal dumping and any associated fines or penalties. In some municipalities, cover or put your mattress inside a plastic bag before setting out for garbage collection as this helps prevent bed bug spread; you can purchase such bags from department stores, home improvement centers and moving supply centers.
New York City has stringent rules regarding mattress disposal, overseen by the Department of Sanitation (DSNY). You cannot simply drag out an old mattress onto the curb - instead you must follow specific guidelines or face a $100 fine. These regulations are simple and straightforward. Luckily, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan Staten Island and Bronx each offer local recycling collectives offering cheaper and faster alternatives compared to DSNY; some also provide storage space.
If you have an old mattress that you would like to donate, there are several options for doing so. One is taking it directly to a recycling center; two is giving it away directly. Most shelters welcome used mattresses but please double-check beforehand that there is enough space.
Before placing your mattress and box spring out for trash collection, remember that they must be properly sealed in plastic mattress bags - you can find these at most stores and supply centers. Failure to seal them could result in a $100 fine from NYC Sanitation.
If your old mattress can't be recycled or donated, why not put it out on the curb with a sign reading "Free?" It might surprise you to learn there are many people in your city looking for secondhand beds?