Is Fiberglass in Mattresses Safe? Why You Should Choose a Fiberglass-Free Mattress
Fiberglass mattresses use fiberglass as a flame retardant, which protects them from catching fire and protects you. This material helps prevent your mattress from overheating while keeping you safe.
But fiberglass dust can become airborne if the mattress cover becomes damaged or torn, posing a health threat to skin, eyes, throat and can even trigger asthma symptoms in susceptible individuals. When inhaled it can irritate skin, eyes, throat and cause asthma symptoms to flare-up.
Fire Retardant
Fiberglass is a cost-effective fire retardant often found in mattresses due to meeting US Consumer Product Safety Commission requirements for flame resistance. When fire starts in your mattress, fiberglass melts slowly enough that you have time to escape before it spreads further.
However, should the fiberglass escape and enter your home, it can be hazardous. Contact with it may lead to skin, eye, and throat irritation as well as health concerns for pets that chew on it or consume it.
fiberglass can irritate your skin, leading to rashes and hives. Furthermore, breathing difficulties may increase due to breathing through congested lungs due to existing conditions like bronchitis or allergies; furthermore, its tiny fibers often get caught up in clothing, furniture or personal belongings, polluting living spaces with fiberglass pollution.
How Can You Tell If a Mattress Contain Fiberglass? You can check whether a mattress contains fiberglass by reading its label. This should list materials used in both inner and outer covers. Furthermore, manufacturers must have provided fire ratings numbers and certificates proving compliance with US safety regulations. You could also purchase a zippered mattress protector to prevent fiberglass escaping into your living area from your mattress's inner structure.
Moisture Resistant
Fiberglass is commonly used as a fire retardant in mattresses to protect them from fire. Unfortunately, however, fiberglass also releases harmful toxins into the environment that can irritate our skin, eyes, throat and respiratory system. Being exposed to fiberglass may even trigger conditions like bronchitis and asthma; but there are ways we can avoid being affected.
Start by inspecting your mattress label to identify its materials. Manufacturers are legally obliged to list both inner and outer cover materials on it; some less-than-reputable manufacturers may try to hide fiberglass by using greenwashing terms or listing it under other names like glass fibers, wool, or reinforced plastics. If you can't locate this information anywhere, call up and ask directly about what the mattress contains.
As another way of preventing fiberglass exposure, consider investing in a natural mattress without fire retardant chemicals - companies such as Beloit provide chemical-free mattresses and bedding which meet fire retardant standards. For added protection consider purchasing a cover designed specifically to prevent fiberglass entering both foam and cover of your mattress.
As an added measure, be sure to regularly vacuum your mattress to remove any fiberglass shards that might float into the air. A mattress topper or bed skirt may help block off any falling pieces during sleep time.
Mattresses may consist of many materials, with fiberglass being one of the more economical flame retardants available. It is effective at keeping fires from spreading across mattresses while also helping stop combustible materials such as memory foam from spreading flames - making fiberglass an essential component in many mattresses sold on the market.
However, fiberglass particles can become airborne and inhaled by users - potentially leading to issues ranging from nose and throat irritation to long-term lung conditions like pulmonary fibrosis. Furthermore, they may irritate skin and eyes as well. It is possible to find mattresses without fiberglass that won't leave behind harmful particles that could compromise our health.
An all-fibre mattress may be constructed using any number of materials, so it's essential that consumers carefully read product labels and search for certifications that state its lack of fiberglass content. Trustworthy mattress brands will be able to answer questions about what materials were used during construction of their mattresses.
If you're uncertain about whether or not a mattress contains fiberglass, purchasing one with an anti-allergy cover could help block out strands and keep them out of your home. Furthermore, washing any mattress covers that contain it could release millions of small strands into your laundry which could contaminate it as well as your skin, eyes, and respiratory system.
Fiberglass is used in a wide range of products due to its economical, durable, and easy-to-mold properties. You might recognize it from attic walls where cotton candy-like fluff has been adhered for fire prevention purposes - mattress makers also utilize this material in inner covers of some mattresses as a cost-cutting measure as opposed to more costly fire retardant materials like wool or cotton.
fiberglass may be useful, but airborne fiberglass strands can be harmful when released into the environment. Contact with these particles can cause itching and redness while inhalation can trigger wheezing attacks and asthma attacks; long-term exposure could even result in lung scarring and inflammation.
Due to fiberglass's weave into some mattress covers, you might never notice it unless you remove your mattress cover and inspect its inner cover for wear or rips or tears over time - at which point microscopic fiberglass particles could begin escaping into the atmosphere and creating health risks. Furniture, carpets, clothing and toys can become exposed to fiberglass fibers which may cling to them and spread throughout your home through HVAC systems. Checking the mattress label to identify whether or not it contains fiberglass is one way of checking its safety; additionally GOTS, OEKO-TEX and Greenguard Gold certifications typically indicate no harmful substances have been used during manufacturing; using a mattress protector will also help contain any loose fibers from breaking loose from its inner cover.