What is Insomnia in Children?

What is Insomnia in Children? - TheSleepLoft
What is Insomnia in Children? - TheSleepLoft

What is Insomnia in Children?

Call The Sleep Loft at (646) 400-5758

Children experiencing difficulty falling asleep at night, awakening frequently throughout the night or difficulty awakening in the morning may be suffering from insomnia, which can have serious repercussions for their mental and physical wellbeing.

Child sleep issues may be solved simply by making changes to their habits and behavior, but if the issue continues, professional assistance might be necessary.


Children suffering from insomnia typically have trouble sleeping through the night, or wake too early in the morning, leading them to feel tired and irritable during their days, as well as lacking energy or concentration at school or other activities - this impacts not only their own daily life but that of their caregivers as well.

Insomnia can be short or long term and is often related to health conditions that prevent a child from sleeping enough at night - for instance if they suffer from allergies that make breathing difficult at night it could prevent them from getting enough restorative restful restful restful restful restful restful restful restful restful restful restful restful restful REM sleep at night, for example. Or they could experience anxiety or depression which makes falling asleep difficult for them.

Other conditions, like night terrors or rhythmic movement disorder, may prevent your child from sleeping well at night. These behaviors include sleepwalking, confusional arousals and an increase in rapid eye movements (REMs) after awakening from nonrapid eye movement sleep.

Keep in mind that children's insomnia is a real condition, with potential implications on both mental and physical wellbeing. If sleep issues continue for your child, seek professional assistance such as consulting their GP or MD to take a history, ask about daily habits, or give physical examinations to detect any possible underlying medical issues that could be contributing to it.


Many children experience short-term insomnia due to illness or anxiety/stress; chronic insomnia may linger for months or years and have serious negative repercussions for both health and behavior.

Children suffering from chronic insomnia frequently have difficulty sleeping at night and wake frequently during the night, often awakening earlier than intended. This can have an adverse impact on a child's mental and cognitive wellbeing and lead to behavioral issues like hyperactivity, poor concentration and impulse control issues as well as frustration and anger that manifest themselves through behavior changes.

Sleep disorders can be brought on by many things, including habits, medications and environmental influences. Eating large meals right before bed or drinking caffeinated drinks could make it more difficult for your child to fall asleep at night; similarly using screens like computers or smartphones before sleep time may stimulate their brain and keep them alert throughout the night.

Physicians can conduct an assessment to diagnose children with sleep disorders. Most often, behavioral treatments for insomnia will include creating positive associations with sleep, setting regular schedules for restful nights of restful restful slumber and developing self-soothing skills.


Insomnia in children may range from being an acute issue after experiencing stress, to chronic issues that last months or years. Any kind of difficulty sleeping should be treated immediately in order to ensure optimal behavioral and learning development for your child. If they're having trouble sleeping it's essential that parents seek professional help as soon as possible to address the situation.

If the source of your child's sleep issues lies with poor bedtime habits, an inconsistent or inappropriate schedule, or other external influences - such as worries that interfere with falling or staying asleep - then addressing these issues could help him/her get restful nights' rest. In such instances, cognitive behavior therapy might also prove beneficial.

Children who do not get enough restful sleep can display behaviors that affect their parents, siblings and teachers in negative ways. They may become cranky and uncooperative with tantrums being more frequent. Furthermore, they can become irritable and suffer poor concentration which impacts schoolwork as well as social relationships.

If your child's symptoms are related to an underlying medical condition, their doctor can treat that underlying issue to improve sleep quality. For instance, if they snore loudly or stop breathing during sleep, this could indicate they have obstructive sleep apnea which could be treated through surgery to remove their enlarged adenoids.


Insomnia can lead to numerous issues for children, from behavioral issues and difficulty learning, to decreased concentration levels in school. Therefore, it's crucial that they visit a physician to help pinpoint its source. They may advise medical testing to screen for allergies, asthma or snoring which could be contributing to insomnia; while also offering advice on improving sleep patterns.

Young children benefit from having a bedtime routine that helps them fall and remain asleep. Parents should implement and adhere to this schedule so their child learns to sleep on his or her own without resisting or resisting.

Older children may find it challenging to fall asleep when they are resistant or fearful, due to nightmares, school or social event anxiety or fears that are keeping them awake at night. In most cases, these issues will resolve themselves once the source of anxiety has been addressed.

An hour before bedtime, children should refrain from watching any screen time (TV, video games and cell phones). Exercise throughout the day and have a light snack just prior to sleep time.

Children experiencing difficulty falling asleep at night, awakening frequently throughout the night or difficulty awakening in the morning may be suffering from insomnia, which can have serious repercussions for their mental and physical wellbeing.

Child sleep issues may be solved simply by making changes to their habits and behavior, but if the issue continues, professional assistance might be necessary.


Children suffering from insomnia typically have trouble sleeping through the night, or wake too early in the morning, leading them to feel tired and irritable during their days, as well as lacking energy or concentration at school or other activities - this impacts not only their own daily life but that of their caregivers as well.

Insomnia can be short or long term and is often related to health conditions that prevent a child from sleeping enough at night - for instance if they suffer from allergies that make breathing difficult at night it could prevent them from getting enough restorative restful restful restful restful restful restful restful restful restful restful restful restful restful REM sleep at night, for example. Or they could experience anxiety or depression which makes falling asleep difficult for them.

Other conditions, like night terrors or rhythmic movement disorder, may prevent your child from sleeping well at night. These behaviors include sleepwalking, confusional arousals and an increase in rapid eye movements (REMs) after awakening from nonrapid eye movement sleep.

Keep in mind that children's insomnia is a real condition, with potential implications on both mental and physical wellbeing. If sleep issues continue for your child, seek professional assistance such as consulting their GP or MD to take a history, ask about daily habits, or give physical examinations to detect any possible underlying medical issues that could be contributing to it.


Many children experience short-term insomnia due to illness or anxiety/stress; chronic insomnia may linger for months or years and have serious negative repercussions for both health and behavior.

Children suffering from chronic insomnia frequently have difficulty sleeping at night and wake frequently during the night, often awakening earlier than intended. This can have an adverse impact on a child's mental and cognitive wellbeing and lead to behavioral issues like hyperactivity, poor concentration and impulse control issues as well as frustration and anger that manifest themselves through behavior changes.

Sleep disorders can be brought on by many things, including habits, medications and environmental influences. Eating large meals right before bed or drinking caffeinated drinks could make it more difficult for your child to fall asleep at night; similarly using screens like computers or smartphones before sleep time may stimulate their brain and keep them alert throughout the night.

Physicians can conduct an assessment to diagnose children with sleep disorders. Most often, behavioral treatments for insomnia will include creating positive associations with sleep, setting regular schedules for restful nights of restful restful slumber and developing self-soothing skills.


Insomnia in children may range from being an acute issue after experiencing stress, to chronic issues that last months or years. Any kind of difficulty sleeping should be treated immediately in order to ensure optimal behavioral and learning development for your child. If they're having trouble sleeping it's essential that parents seek professional help as soon as possible to address the situation.

If the source of your child's sleep issues lies with poor bedtime habits, an inconsistent or inappropriate schedule, or other external influences - such as worries that interfere with falling or staying asleep - then addressing these issues could help him/her get restful nights' rest. In such instances, cognitive behavior therapy might also prove beneficial.

Children who do not get enough restful sleep can display behaviors that affect their parents, siblings and teachers in negative ways. They may become cranky and uncooperative with tantrums being more frequent. Furthermore, they can become irritable and suffer poor concentration which impacts schoolwork as well as social relationships.

If your child's symptoms are related to an underlying medical condition, their doctor can treat that underlying issue to improve sleep quality. For instance, if they snore loudly or stop breathing during sleep, this could indicate they have obstructive sleep apnea which could be treated through surgery to remove their enlarged adenoids.


Insomnia can lead to numerous issues for children, from behavioral issues and difficulty learning, to decreased concentration levels in school. Therefore, it's crucial that they visit a physician to help pinpoint its source. They may advise medical testing to screen for allergies, asthma or snoring which could be contributing to insomnia; while also offering advice on improving sleep patterns.

Young children benefit from having a bedtime routine that helps them fall and remain asleep. Parents should implement and adhere to this schedule so their child learns to sleep on his or her own without resisting or resisting.

Older children may find it challenging to fall asleep when they are resistant or fearful, due to nightmares, school or social event anxiety or fears that are keeping them awake at night. In most cases, these issues will resolve themselves once the source of anxiety has been addressed.

An hour before bedtime, children should refrain from watching any screen time (TV, video games and cell phones). Exercise throughout the day and have a light snack just prior to sleep time.

Call The Sleep Loft at (646) 400-5758

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