EEG For Sleep Disorders

EEG For Sleep Disorders - TheSleepLoft
EEG For Sleep Disorders - TheSleepLoft

EEG For Sleep Disorders

Each stage of sleep exhibits its own characteristic pattern of brain activity that can be measured using EEG technology, making these measurements useful in diagnosing and monitoring sleeping disorders.

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An EEG requires marking your scalp with small electrodes. As part of this test, eat and drink normally prior to taking part.

Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a prevalent sleep disorder caused by irregularities in breathing patterns that disrupt oxygen delivery to the brain, with short pauses between breaths disrupting normal oxygen supply to your system. Sleep monitors can detect upper airway movement to treat sleep apnea. For people having difficulty sleeping through the night or feeling fatigued throughout the day, EEG testing may provide answers; using electrodes connected to a detection/recording machine that records brain activity as well as asking the technician to conduct specific activities to activate different areas of brain activity within them - with various activities intended to stimulate specific parts of brain activity triggered by them a technician asking them to perform certain activities that stimulate different parts of their mind - in this test that records and records brain activity during sleeping hours waking.

In this study, inter-band energy ratio features extracted from multi-band EEG data were utilized for automatic apnea detection. This feature relies on energy content changes within frequency bands of the EEG signal during apnea and non-apnea events to detect them automatically; training this feature to distinguish apnea events from non-apnea events was accomplished using K-nearest neighbour classifier.

Results indicate that during sleep apnea events, spectral power in lower frequency bands significantly increases, suggesting increased cortical arousal during sleep and negative consequences on memory consolidation. Furthermore, suppression of information interactions across regions and hemispheres during an event suggests why patients with sleep apnea tend to have poorer working memory performance.

Sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis occurs when you temporarily lose the ability to move or speak shortly after falling asleep or awakening. It usually results from elements associated with rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep), such as vivid dreaming and emotional arousal, interfering with controlling major muscles; it may also occur due to obstructive sleep apnea disrupting breathing patterns. Hallucinations may accompany this condition such as feeling as though someone is standing or sitting on your chest or hearing voices in the room.

Sleep paralysis typically happens once and does not recur, although it can be extremely frightening and even cause panic during an episode. Adolescence and early adulthood tend to experience this more frequently; however, it can happen at any age.

Sleep paralysis symptoms can be reduced through better sleep hygiene, including getting regular, adequate amounts of restful restorative rest and limiting caffeine, alcohol, bright lights and other potential sleep disrupters such as caffeine or alcohol consumption or bright lights. A sleep diary can also help identify potential triggers as well as identify when disturbances most often arise.

If your symptoms are chronic or recur frequently, an EEG test can be an invaluable way to rule out possible causes. If you have experienced sleepwalking or REM Behavior Disorder (RBD), an EEG can check for signs of brain lesions which could contribute to these episodes.


If you are experiencing trouble sleeping, an EEG test could be of great assistance. An EEG can be used to diagnose or monitor conditions like sleep paralysis, narcolepsy and insomnia; additionally it may assist in pinpointing the source of parasomnia symptoms like sleepwalking, night terrors or nightmares.

An EEG involves attaching small discs or electrodes to your scalp using special adhesive or elastic caps, connected to an instrument which amplifies brain waves and records them onto computer equipment. Testing usually lasts 20-40 minutes; during which a neurologist will measure and compare your brain waves against normal ones.

Results of an EEG vary depending on the condition being tested for. If you're being evaluated for sleep paralysis, for instance, your physician will review your symptoms and medical history before offering recommendations regarding treatment options. A neurologist may suggest practicing good sleep hygiene habits like not drinking alcohol or taking drugs before bedtime.

People living with nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy often exhibit interictal abnormalities on an EEG, though these can be difficult to distinguish from non-epileptic features of their disorder. Manni et al8 created a scale of typical clinical characteristics of frontal lobe epilepsy episodes at night that can help distinguish them from parasomnias.


EEGs are typically ordered to assess and treat seizures (abnormal electrical activity in the brain). Furthermore, this test can help doctors pinpoint causes or triggers for your seizures.

An EEG involves placing electrodes on your head and linking them to a computer which records signals, before being analyzed by a doctor who specializes in reading EEG results. You will need to remain still during this test; electrodes are usually secured to your scalp with special glue; however they may also be attached using elastic bandages or glue glued directly onto an elastic cap for additional security. Some tests will require you to sleep during recording time which typically lasts 20-40 minutes in total; for easier viewing from both doctors and video monitoring of both movements of eyes and body by doctors during an EEG.

20-year-old male presented for frequent short clusters of movements that sound like pseudo-seizures'. A routine awake EEG was normal; however, given his history of nocturnal convulsive episodes a sleep EEG was required and this revealed centrotemporal spikes confirming Rolandic epilepsy; it was confirmed via MRI imaging studies and treatment began with dopaminergic drugs such as carbidopa/levodopa (and possibly bromocriptine) as well as benzodiazepines (Carbidopa/levodopa/levodopa) as well as benzodiazepines.

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